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Help with Online Classes

SilverSneakers LIVE is available only to SilverSneakers members

Check Eligibility and Create Account

Step-by-Step Tutorial

  1. Go to the SilverSneakers LIVE page You may be asked to log in first as this is a members-only feature.

    Accept the terms and conditions if this is your first time here. If you don't see this, you've likely already done this.

    Online Classes Terms and Conditions Popup
  2. Find a class you want to attend and select the "RSVP" button.

    Live Classes RSVP Button
  3. Confirm your RSVP by selecting the button "Yes, I want to attend".

    RSVP Popup with Class Details and Attend Button
  4. A message will inform you that your RSVP was successful and that you’ll receive a confirmation email from Zoom, the application we use to broadcast our classes/workshops.

    Select "Continue Browsing Classes" to close the window.

    RSVP Submitted Popup
  5. Install the Zoom app before the class for the best experience:

    Zoom download page
  6. Create an account with Zoom if you don't already have one. This is a separate account than your SilverSneakers account.

    Zoom Date of Birth Verification
  7. Join the class up to 15 minutes before it starts from either:

    • Go to the SilverSneakers LIVE web page, find the class you RSVP’d to, and select "Join Now".
    • Opening the link in your Zoom class confirmation/reminder email.

    Live Classes Join Now Button
  8. When you try to join a class/workshop, a Zoom website will show an alert.

    Select the button "Open" and it'll open the Zoom app

    Log in to Zoom using your Zoom login credentials. This is a separate account than your SilverSneakers account.

    Follow any prompts from the Zoom app.

    Open Zoom Alert

Frequently Asked Questions


Is SilverSneakers LIVE available to everyone or just members?

SilverSneakers LIVE is exclusive for SilverSneakers members.

Does SilverSneakers LIVE cost anything?

No, SilverSneakers LIVE classes/workshops are available to SilverSneakers members at no additional cost.

What’s the difference between Facebook Live classes, SilverSneakers LIVE and SilverSneakers On-Demand™?

  • Facebook Live classes appear on the SilverSneakers Facebook page 1-2 times per week. They are open to everyone, and they’re fitness classes only.
  • SilverSneakers LIVE offers full-length SilverSneakers classes live through Zoom which includes favorites such as Strength and Balance, SilverSneakers EnerChi and Cardio Dance. They also feature live workshops including Exercise for Stress Relief, Balance Builder and The Happiness Effect. They occur multiple times throughout the day and are exclusive for SilverSneakers members.
  • SilverSneakers On-Demand is a video library that features 200+ pre-recorded fitness workouts for SilverSneakers members only.


What is Zoom?

Zoom is the video conference tool that we use to broadcast our live classes/workshops.

Is using Zoom safe?

Privacy and security are top of mind, especially during these times when more and more people are using virtual resources. Learn more about Zoom’s focus on privacy and security.

Why am I getting emails from Zoom when I signed up for SilverSneakers?

When you submitted your RSVP for a SilverSneakers LIVE class/workshop, the system automatically registered you for the class in Zoom. Through Zoom, we can bring high-quality, live video content right to you.

How do I download the Zoom app to my smartphone, tablet or computer?

Select a link below to download the app for your device.

Why do I need a Zoom account? Can I log in to Zoom with my SilverSneakers credentials?

Zoom is the video conference tool we use for SilverSneakers LIVE. In order to access SilverSneakers LIVE, you need to create a separate account with Zoom if you don’t already have one.

SilverSneakers LIVE Sessions

I can’t find a class/workshop I registered for

Go to the SilverSneakers LIVE page. You can find it in the top nav by selecting "Online Classes"

You can also find links to classes/workshops in your Zoom confirmation and reminder emails or in the Zoom app's schedule.

Why is the "Join Now" button for my class/workshop grayed out and unselectable?

The means that class hasn’t started yet. You can log into classes up to 15 minutes before they start. Consider using this time to do a gentle warmup or stretch.

The video quality for my class/workshop is blurry, choppy or frozen, what should I do?

We recommend downloading the Zoom app for the best experience.

If you’re viewing the class/workshop from your Internet browser, we recommend using Google Chrome.

There can be a variety of issues that can affect video quality, including the speed of your internet or the speed of your instructor’s internet. If you continue to have difficulties accessing your live class/workshop, please call 866-584-7689.

Can I talk to my instructor during a class/workshop?

Instructors may periodically look at comments from members during a class/workshop. We can’t guarantee a response because they’ll be leading the class/workshop.

How do I cancel my class/workshop?

There is a link to cancel your reservation at the bottom of your confirmation and reminder emails.

Clicking on the cancel link will bring you to a registration page.

Click the cancel button again at the bottom of that page.
